"clear to take off, full power, 40 kts, 55 kts rotate, right rudder, attitude, speed, power, trim, heading, 200 feet flaps up, 500 feet, bank, balance, back pressure, attitude, lookout, attitude, performance, heading, level wing, heading, attitude, lookout, attitude, performance, 1000 feet, attitude, wait for speed, power 2300, trim, lookout, bank, balance, back pressure, attitude, lookout, attitude, performance, heading, level wing, EOZ turning down wind touch and go, breaks operating, oil temperature & pressure within green, undercarriage down, mixture rich, master on, magnetos both, fuel selector both, fuel quantity checked, fuel pump off, auto pilot disengaged, hatches and harnesses secure, call for before landing check, attitude, lookout, attitude, performance, lookout, bank, balance, back pressure, heading, level wing, power 1500, attitude, speed, flaps down 10, speed, flaps down 20, attitude, 800 feet mid base, lookout, bank, balance, back pressure, attitude, lookout, attitude, performance, heading, level wing, attitude, flaps down 30, attitude, profile check, speed check, profile check, clear to land EOZ, power idle, level flight, wait for sink, back pressure, wait for touch down, lower noise, flaps up, straight, full power, 55 kts rotate, right rudder, attitude, etc..."
說真的在這算是很幸運,Vr=55kts Vs=40kts,再加上有glass cockpit,一眼就知道全部的performance,還有三個不同方向的跑道,隨著風向調整,有很多很多別人沒有的優點....只可惜一點,蒼蠅頭上少了大腦多了大便,一點點側風,一點點不正確的profile,就會讓腦袋裡的大便沸騰,然後radio叫不出來、check list全忘光、高度超過規定、bank角度不對、屁股亂搖,最後在跑道頭高爾夫球場上空才看到G1000上所有數據全是錯的,祈禱教官大叫"I have control!"卻聽到"Wow, today is Friday, so many people playing down there."看高度感覺自己又要摔飛機嚇得手不敢放掉,Power卻被拉到idle.......BANG!左歪右扭吃光所有跑道教官又Full power 繼續 rotate重複上面所有的動作。
在空中一直想落地想落地想落地,進場又看到G1000數據全是錯的,恨不得大叫Go around快點離開地面回到天空。